A lambda is a kind of an anonymous function in Python that can take any number of arguments but consist of only one expression.
This is intended as a compact syntax for writing functions.
Lambda functions are essentially identical to the equivalent def function. They are a different syntax for the same result. Read What is the purpose of Lambda expressions?
Lambda is used along some other built-in functions such as Map, Filter, and Reduce functions.
Python lambdas are like salt. A pinch in your spam, ham, and eggs will enhance the flavors, but too much will spoil the dish. Read further: How to Use Python Lambda Functions
print("\n====================\n") textEmotion = ['happy', 'sad ', ' fear', 'ANGRY', 'disgust'] # Regular Function Implementation print("Regular Function Implementation") def keyfunc(string): return string.strip().lower() result1=sorted(textEmotion, key=keyfunc) print(result1) print("\n====================\n") # Lambda Implementation print("Lambda Implementation") result2=sorted(textEmotion, key=lambda string: string.strip().lower()) print(result2) print("\n====================\n") print("Conclusion:") print("Different implementation but result with the same effect.")