[how] Install Visual Code and Python The Easy Way


Visual Studio Code is ranked as the second most popular IDE for Python while the default bundled IDE for Python, IDLE, is ranked 36th (refer Slant - Visual Code vs IDLE).

(0) PreRequisite:

Read the steps to install Chocolatey (Choco): https://chocolatey.org/install

(1) Install Visual Code

choco install vscode

(2) Install Python

choco install python

(3) Run Visual Code.

Open Terminal window via menu Terminal/[New terminal]

Check that Python is available in the Terminal window.

Create a project folder, e.g. ZTP

PS C:\Users\razzi> cd /
PS C:\> mkdir ZTP
PS C:\> cd ZTP

Add Folder to Workspace.
Select menu File/[Add folder to Workspace].

The workspace folder should appear in the Primary Side Bar (left-hand-side panel).

(If the Primary Side Bar is not visible, go to menu select View/Appearance/[Primary Side Bar]).

The Visual Code is now ready for Python coding activities.

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